Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Britney Nichole

Britney started cosmotology school last summer and finished in June. She did all her testing and passed. She is now a licensed professional. While we were on The Downey Family Vacation in Windsor she got accepted into BYU-I for the winter semester. She is so excited to go. She is also terrified of the cold, so we'll see how she does. She is attending the college ward but does it like it very much. We're hoping that changes when she moves. She isn't dating anyone and we're hoping that changes when she moves too.


Chyler and Darlene said...

Congratulations on getting into college Brit. I am so, so happy for you and I hope you love it as much as we all did. BYU-I...holla!!!

Jodi said...

baby got back